• Questionnaire
  • Reader Status


Your Information

Please add a valid First Name This field is a required field. Please add a valid First Name
Please enter a valid Last Name This field is a required field. Please enter a valid Last Name
Please enter a valid E-Mail address in the format email@example.com
Please select a valid option
Please select a valid option
Please select a valid option
Please select a valid option
Please select a valid option
This Consent is required

By selecting "Continue", you acknowledge that you have read and understand the Abbott Privacy Policy.


Thank you for your responses. Your Reader needs to be replaced.

Please enter your information so we can send you a replacement.

We will send you a return kit so you can send back your damaged Reader.


Reader Information

Please enter valid serial number Serial Number required. Please enter valid serial number

Note: The Reader Serial Number has the following format ABCD123-E4567 and can be found:

  • On the Reader back label
  • In the Reader Settings > System Status > System Info

Shipping Address

Please enter a valid Address This field is a required field
Please add a valid Street name Sorry, special characters (#, $, % etc.) are not allowed. Please only use characters A-z or numbers 0-9.
Please enter a valid city
Please enter a valid state
Please enter a valid Zipcode
Please enter a valid phone number. Please enter a valid 10 digit phone number without any spaces or special characters.

You answered “no” to all of the questions so your Reader does not need to be replaced. If you are concerned, please perform a Reader Test. 

How to Perform a Reader Test:

The Reader Test will perform internal diagnostics and will allow you to check that the display, sounds, and touchscreen are working properly.

Step 1: Touch the Settings symbol from the Home screen.

Step 2: Scroll down by using the blue arrow on bottom and touch System Status.

Step 3: Touch Reader Test.

Step 4: Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the Reader Test



ADC-70637 V2.0